Dustin Dunsmuir
Global Health Technical Lead
Dustin completed his Masters of Science degree at Simon Fraser University (BC, Canada) in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology with a specialization in visual analytics in 2011. He has worked at the BC Children’s Hospital since 2006 on digital health projects and he is currently the Global Health Technical Lead at the Institute for Global Health at BC Children’s & Women’s Hospital (IGH-BCCWH). Dustin supports the institute’s sepsis research by creating and managing digital health solutions such as data collection and risk prediction mobile applications. He has developed digital tools with pulse oximetry connected to a smartphone and patient and treatment tracking using Bluetooth. His current focus is on the sustainability of the Smart Triage project, a pediatric triage and patient prioritization platform in use at 7 hospitals in Africa. He is particularly interested in data visualization and reporting for quality improvement projects and is actively working on the development of interactive report dashboards for the Smart Triage platform.