Read news stories from our cluster below, and keep up to date by following @ActionOnSepsis on Twitter.
September 1, 2020
Congratulations to Clare Komugisha, recipient of the Sepsis Alliance’s International Pediatric Sepsis Nurse Award!
Congratulations to Clare Komugisha, Research Supervisor at Walimu and recipient of the 2020 Sepsis Alliance’s International Pediatric Sepsis Nurse Award! Clare has worked with the Smart Discharges Team since 2012, helping develop, validate, and implement their risk stratification…
July 27, 2020
Plein Feux sur la Recherche - Diagnostiquer la sévérité d’une septicémie reliée à la COVID-19
La septicémie est une maladie complexe. Précédemment, le Dr. Bob Hancock et son équipe à UBC ont découvert que les patients souffrant d’une septicémie peuvent être regroupés en 5 endotypes distincts. Tandis que les patients de…
July 27, 2020
Research Spotlight – Diagnosing the severity of COVID-19-related sepsis
Sepsis is a complex disease. Previously, Dr Bob Hancock and his team at UBC found that patients suffering from sepsis can be grouped into 5 distinct endotypes. While patients in each group all develop sepsis, the underlying gene expression pathways and molecular phenotypes are distinct for each…
July 16, 2020
Le COVID-19 peut-il causer une septicémie?
Le 7 avril 2020, le Global Sepsis Alliance a fait une mise à jour sur la relation entre la COVID-19 et la septicémie. Notre patiente partenaire Sue Korstad nous résume cette mise à jour avec les points saillants suivants: Il existe des diffé…
July 16, 2020
Can COVID-19 Cause Sepsis?
On April 7, 2020, the Global Sepsis Alliance provided an update on the relationship between COVID-19 and sepsis. Here, our patient partner Sue Korstad provides the key takeaways: There remain critical differences between the seasonal flu and the novel coronavirus disease, COVID…
July 2, 2020
Welcome to our newly established Patient Council!
We are excited to introduce the newest members of the cluster and founding members of the newly established Action on Sepsis Patient Advisory Council members: Marie-Maxime Bergeron | Susan Korstad | Kristine Russell Last month, the council met for the first time and identified the priority…
June 19, 2020
Saving young lives: Triage and management of sepsis in children using the point of care Paediatric Rapid Sepsis Trigger (PRST) tool
In 2019, Dr Tex Kissoon established a new collaboration between UBC and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) to lead a health system strengthening project to improve the quality of care for children with sepsis. Working with coapplicants Drs Ansermino and Dumont, this quality improvement…
May 4, 2020
Publication Spotlight - Generating Randomized Trial Evidence to Optimize Treatment in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
In April, Dr Srinivas Murthy and collaborators from McGill University and the University of Toronto publihsed a commentary in CMAJ discussing the importance of collaborative, randomized controlled trials for evaluating treatments for COVID-19, and outlining Canada’s…
April 16, 2020
Publication Spotlight - Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Critically Ill Children: A Narrative Review of the Literature.
Many Action on Sepsis members are using their expertise in critical care, infectious diseases, diagnostics, and vaccine development to contribute to the global efforts to understand and reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent literature review, published in Pediatric…
April 3, 2020
UBC Medical Student Session: Learning From Sepsis Survivors
On March 9, medical students at the University of British Columbia had a unique opportunity to learn about sepsis. Thanks to the efforts of PhD/MD student Andy An and sepsis researcher Dr John Boyd, patient partners Kristine Russell and Sue Korstad were able to share their experiences surviving…