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Patient stories
September 26, 2019
Kirsten's Sepsis Story Part 1: Healing Through Art
On March 8th 2019, I woke up feelings completely normal. At 9am I caught the bus to work and felt a sharp intense pain in my right side. By the time I got to work I was in overwhelming pain, and headed to the hospital. A CT scan revealed a 3mm kidney stone in my right kidney. I was relieved as I…
September 23, 2019
Kisa's Sepsis Story: Twice in One Lifetime
My father became extremely ill on Dec 8, 2017. He'd been experiencing delirium and then sepsis, which increased monumentally when he had 17 teeth extracted in one sitting. It was a desperate measure to remove the source of infection which was causing severe effects such as hallucinations, tremors,…
September 20, 2019
Diane's Sepsis Story: Overcoming Sepsis to Support Sepsis Survivors
Hi, I’m Diane M. My sepsis story started July 8, 2016. I was having an ovary removed to check for cancer. The surgery was supposed to be 45 mins but it took 1.5 hrs, and unexpectedly I had staples put in. A week later I went back to have the staples removed and noticed a smell that I…
September 17, 2019
Angie’s Sepsis Story: An Ongoing Journey of Sepsis & Post-Sepsis Syndrome
"I wish a doctor had told my strong, beautiful and resilient wife and I that over-coming sepsis was the first of many hurdles we would go through together. Families of sepsis survivors need to be educated on how sepsis can affect a person both physically and mentally upon returning home.'"…
September 12, 2019
Bob's Sepsis Story: Sepsis and Gunsmoke
Today I bounded from bed at my usual get-up time of 6:00 AM. Completing shaving and dressing, I emerged into the glorious morning sunlight. My daily walk through the neighbourhood filled another invigorating hour before I enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast. Email checks, Google…
September 9, 2019
Susan's Sepsis Story: From Surgery to Sepsis and Back
What began as a fairly uncomplicated surgery to repair a hernia became a life-threatening and life-altering event and recovery. My surgery went well and I was discharged 24 hours post operation in stable health. I awoke that following morning with severe abdominal pain and sought care at my…
August 30, 2019
Mathieu’s Sepsis Story: Surviving Neonatal Sepsis in the UK
Written by Mathieu’s mother, Katie A. It was 2015, and Mathieu was only 3 weeks old. One morning he woke up late, around 10 am. He seemed a little lethargic and not too interested in nursing, but overall fine, so we continued with our day. I was changing him in the…
August 28, 2019
Amanda’s Sepsis Story: A Warrior’s Tale of Postpartum Sepsis
My sepsis story began on February 22, 2013 with the birth of my daughter Hannah. I had a healthy, normal and natural delivery at East General Hospital in Toronto. Within 24 hours of delivery, I was released from the hospital and everything was fine. At home that evening my 4 year old son…
August 23, 2019
Mac’s Sepsis Story: One of the Lucky Ones?
Some will say I was one of the lucky ones, although I don’t like the term “lucky” and don’t feel lucky having gone through what I went through. It is true, I survived a sepsis experience with a higher than 90% fatality rate. I got an infection in my finger which…
August 19, 2019
Kristine and Ellie’s Sepsis Story, Part 2: Understanding the Impact of Postpartum and Neonatal Sepsis
Read how Kristine and Ellie’s story began here. Hi. My name is Kristine, and my daughter’s name is Ellie. This is our story. In July 2014, Ellie was diagnosed with neonatal sepsis immediately after birth, and spent 19 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. She survived,…